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In java some identifiers are reserved to associate some functionality or meaning such type of reserved identifiers are called reserved words.

Reserved words for data types: (8) 

  1. byte 
  2. short 
  3. int 
  4. long 
  5. float  
  6. double 
  7. char 
  8. boolean

Reserved words for flow control:(11)

  1. if  
  2. else 
  3. switch  
  4. case
  5. default 
  6. for
  7. do 
  8. while 
  9. break 
  10. continue  
  11. return 

Keywords for modifiers:(11)

  1. public 
  2. private 
  3. protected 
  4. static 
  5. final
  6. abstract
  7. synchronized
  8. native  
  9. strictfp(1.2 version) 
  10. transient
  11. volatile

Keywords for exception handling:(6)

  1. try 
  2. catch 
  3. finally 
  4. throw 
  5. throws 
  6. assert(1.4 version)

Class related keywords:(6)

  1. class 
  2. package 
  3. import 
  4. extends 
  5. implements 
  6. interface 

Object related keywords:(4)

  1. new
  2. instanceof 
  3. super 
  4. this

Void return type keyword:

If a method won't return anything compulsory that method should be declared with the void return type in java but it is optional in C++. 
  1.  void

Unused keywords:

goto:Create several problems in old languages and hence it is banned in java.

Const:Use final instead of this. 

By mistake if we are using these keywords in our program we will get compile time error.

Reserved literals:  

  1. true---------values for boolean data type.
  2. false---------values for boolean data type.
  3. null-------- default value for object reference.


This keyword introduced in 1.5v to define a group of named constants.
enum sports
 bat, ball, stump;

Conclusions :

  1. All reserved words in java contain only lowercase alphabet symbols.
  2. New keywords in java are: 
  • strictfp-----------1.2v 
  • assert-------------1.4v 
  • enum--------------1.5v 
  1. In java we have only new keyword but not delete because destruction of useless objects is the responsibility of Garbage Collection.
  • instanceof but not instanceOf
  • strictfp but not strictFp 
  • const but not Constant 
  • syncronized but not syncronize
  • extends but not extend 
  • implements but not implement 
  • import but not imports 
  • int but not Int

Which of the following list contains only java reserved words ?

  1. final, finally, finalize (invalid) //here finalize is a method in Object class. 
  2. throw, throws, thrown(invalid) //thrown is not available in java 
  3. break, continue, return, exit(invalid) //exit is not reserved keyword
  4. goto, constant(invalid) //here constant is not reserved keyword 
  5. byte, short, Integer, long(invalid) //here Integer is a wrapper class 
  6. extends, implements, imports(invalid) //imports keyword is not available in java 
  7. finalize, synchronized(invalid) //finalize is a method in Object class 
  8. instanceof, sizeOf(invalid) //sizeOf is not reserved keyword 
  9. new, delete(invalid) //delete is not a keyword



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